The Golan Heights – north

Start the day visiting the Golan Heights strategic cross-roads for centuries.

We will ascend to the Golan Heights passing through ancient towns, visiting a former Isreali bunker and enjoying the elevated views across the Golan Heights and the erea around. (the Hula Valley the Jordan river).

Hear about the six day war 1967  & 1973 Yom Kippur war, water issues and conflicts, and the border situation.

Visit Mount Ben Tal & mount Avital – situated on the far eastern border of the Golan. Mount Ben Tal and Mount Avital take part in what we call “the line of hills”, which forms the border between Israel and Syria, strategically important for the defense of Israel. its also an observation point over the city of Kuneitra, and the Syrian territory. 

Option:  Visit a Winery- wine testing